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Stephanie Lynn doing a warrior three yoga pose

Conscious Living and Inspirational Leading

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Stephanie Lynn, E-RYT300

Course Overview


This advanced teacher training will deepen your personal practice in conscious living while developing your skills and confidence as a teacher and inspirational leader, elevating you to the level of mastery in your craft. A quality teacher training will leave you forever changed.  You will emerge from the cocoon of your cohort a more whole and authentic version of yourself, with a deeper understanding of your identity as a teacher of yoga and meditation. This immersive style training steeps you in the wisdom teachings and daily practices that culminate in transformation. Building on the foundation laid by a 200-hour training, we will take our journey beyond asana and sutras, delving deeper into yogic philosophy, meditation, breathwork, the study of the systems of the body, the mechanics, preparation and alignment of intermediate to advanced asana, a deep dive study of the science and benefits of Yoga Nidra, and much, much more.  Together, we will share our knowledge, experiences and wisdom gained on the path of living and teaching yoga, and create a well from which all may draw.  This course will help you find your authentic voice and the meaningful stories you will share with your students which will create your unique style and offering.  No less important is the experience you will have of deepening and enriching your own learning and practice of living yoga. 


I welcome you on this path of discovery and growth.






Techniques, Training and Practice (80 hours)

  • Vinyasa Practice including Mechanics and Alignment of Advanced Asana

  • Yin Postures, Adjustments and Assists

  • Restorative Postures, Setup and Support

  • The Science and Practice of Yoga Nidra

  • Meditation Practice

  • Pranayama Practice

  • Chant, Mantra, Bhajan


Teaching Methodology (50 hours)

  • Writing Personal Purpose and Mission Statements

  • Voice, Cuing, and Atmosphere

  • Adjustments and Assists

  • Creating Smart and Effective Sequences for Various Styles of Classes 

  • Introduction to Developing and Leading Teacher Training and Becoming a Teacher of Teachers

  • Creating Themed Classes and Series that Inspire

  • Public Speaking and Presenting

  • Teaching Virtual Classes and Creating Online Content


Anatomy and Physiology (50 hours)

  • Muscles and Bones, but so much more!  Going beyond the standard "muscles and bones" of the typical teacher training.

  • The Anatomy and Physiology of Respiration and Learning to practice and Teach Pranayama

  • Organ Systems

  • The Physiology of the Immune System

  • Digestive System and Mental Health

  • Energetic Anatomy and The Nerve plexuses: the "mini-brains"

  • Spinal Anatomy and Movement


Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers (65 hours)

  • A Deep and Comprehensive Study of the Bhagavad Gita, the Symbolism and Meaning, and its Application to Current Life and Culture and Universal Applicability

  • Yoga and Ayurveda

  • A Review of the Koshas and Chakras

  • The Morals and Ethics of Being a Yogi and Yoga Teacher

  • The Intersection of Spirituality and Money


Practicum (55 hours)

  • Experience Creating Classes and Content

  • Teaching Your Cohort and Public Classes and Receiving Feedback 

  • Contributing to a Collaborative Resource of Class Plans and Yoga Nidra Scripts (which will be compiled and given to each graduate).


Required Books:

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (any translation and commentary)

  • Anatomy of Movement by Calais-Germain

  • Anatomy of Breathing by Calais-Germain

  • The Living Gita by Sri Swami Satchidananda

  • Yoga Morality by Feuerstein

  • Teaching Yoga by Farhi

  • Yoga and Ayurveda by Frawley

  • Yoga Nidra: The Art of Transformational Sleep by Desai, PHD 



  • Teaching Yoga by Stephens

  • The Book of Lymph by Levitt Gainsley


Cancelation policy:

  • Cancelations prior to TBD receive full refund minus non-refundable deposit ($650).  

  • Cancelations between TBD receive 50% refund.  

  • *No refund after TBD.*

Dear Stephanie, I wanted to take a moment and thank you for sharing all your wonderful yoga
knowledge with me during the recent Yin Yoga Training. I learned so much...especially that I need to learn so much. Your gentle, kind approach to teacher training really resonated with me at this time of my yoga journey. You always had an answer to our questions with just the right amount of humor and smile. The one statement that I remember the most is "compassion for your students." I really enjoyed your curriculum along with making new friends and hope I can train under you in the future. You are an OUTSTANDING teacher. Than you for all you do for our Northern Michigan Yoga Community. Namaste ~Mary P.


Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Kirtan, Yoga Teacher Training

Reiki Master


E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance symbol
YACEP Continuing Education Provider Yoga Alliance symbol
RYS 200 Yoga Alliance symbol
Stephanie Lynn doing namaste pose

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